Can learning be Fun? or even Funny?

Yesterday, while at work, I was talking with a fellow Nurse about the fact that many head and neck cancers have now been linked to previous HPV (human papiloma virus) infections, Report Card on Cancer In Canada. We also discussed the fairly well known link to HPV and Cervical cancers, HP viruses associated with Cervical Cancer and the link between HPV and rectal cancers HPV and Anal Cancer.

She asked me if I had seen this funny You-tube video titled “More than Warts” and she showed me the link. I thought it was so clever and funny, yet provided some really good information on HPV and some of the complications of HPV infections. The video also addresses that there is a vaccine now available for HPV and that it is recommended for young women and the MSM population.

Vaccinations are a hot button topic that can lead to some serious discussions and differences of opinion. I looked a little further into finding lighthearted You-Tube videos that provide information on touchy topics but in a fun way. I was surprised at how many there are so here are a few of my favorites…… Enjoy….



You can see a great assortment here ZDoggMD

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